The Uvalde Classical Academy Head of School is appointed and hired by the UCA Board to oversee the day-to-day operations of the school and to provide timely information to the board regarding long-term decisions on curriculum, school policies, budgeting, and facilities planning.
Head of School
Audrey Dadd
The Uvalde Classical Academy Board consists of appointed and elected members from Uvalde Classical Academy. Detailed operational guidelines and responsibilities of the Uvalde Classical Academy Board are presented in the Uvalde Classical Academy Association By-Laws and Board Policy Manual.
Board of Trustees
Willie Langham.....................……...Board Chair
Isaac Cardona......................……….Board Vice-Chair
Rich Dadd..................................….Board Secretary
Nathan and Kathy Phillips........….Board Treasurer Family
Derek and Jo Anna Walker……..….Board Member
Wes Faust…………………………………….Board Member
JP and Valerie Garcia…………………Board Member Family
Contact the UCA Board of Trustees at